Non-Profits around Dayton
List of 501(c)(3) organizations, foundations, community groups, charities, trade organizations and other non-profits located in the Dayton Ohio region. For religious entities, see Churches.
Non-Profits in Dayton
Dayton Ohio Non-Profits
2000 Plus Men Against Domestic Violence
Dayton, OH - Each year, there are 4,000-5,000 Domestic Violence arrests in Montgomery County alone. 2000 Plus, Inc. is Men Against Domestic Violence.
Dayton, OH - The 41 HOPE 5K raises money for the Blake LaForce #41 Memorial Fund, a VISIONS Endowment Fund, of the Vandalia and Dayton Foundations. The #41 Fund provides two annual college scholarships.
A Special Wish Foundation
Dayton, OH - A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. grants wishes to children with life-threatening disorders.
A1 Spirit Foundation
Miamisburg, OH - Helping individuals break the cycle of need by supporting organizations with programs focused on underlying causes.
Yellow Springs, OH - The AACW is a Grassroots Community Organization! As such, we depend on our volunteers and sponsors to make it all happen. We welcome your participation whether it is through making a donation, volunteering or serving in some other way.
Abigail Journey Inc
Dayton, OH - Helping to shine the light on social injustice and the disparity of poverty.
Access Project
Trotwood, OH - Donate and recycle your old computers and electronics while helping disadvantaged people. Computers can be written off, people can't.
Act Out Talent Studio
Dayton, OH - Act Out, a 501-C(3) organization, exists to prepare people to engage the mountain of entertainment with excellence in both skill and character!
Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc.
Dayton, OH - Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE) and Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. (LAWO) are nonprofit legal aid law firms that provide free legal assistance to low-income residents in civil cases.
Agape for Youth
Dayton, OH - Foster care, Adoption and Reunification Agency - Serving families, youth and each other with excellence. Our Mission is to create a healing environment within a familial structure, which includes acceptance, respect and the celebration of unconditional love.
Air Force Museum Foundation
WPAFB, OH - The Air Force Museum Foundation, Inc., raises funds and awareness in support of the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.
Alzheimer's Association Miami Valley
Dayton, OH - The Alzheimer's Association Miami Valley Chapter is here to help local families dealing with dementia and serves Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby counties.
American Heart Association
Kettering, OH - The American Heart Association mission is building healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Dayton, OH - We are the local section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the world's largest professional organization of aerospace engineers and scientists.
American Lung Association
Cincinnati, OH - American Lung Association of South Central OH - Dayton/Cincinnati/Columbus
American Veterans Heritage Center
Dayton , OH - The American Veterans Heritage Center is a non-profit corporation. We honor our veterans while preserving the history of the old 'Soldiers Home' in Dayton.
Anchor in Faith Ministries - Children's Closet
dayton, OH - Anchor in Faith Ministries is located in East Dayton. We are here to help with clothing needs for children.
Antioch Shrine Temple
Dayton, OH - This facility is beautiful and affordable. It is a gem hidden in plain sight, right in Downtown Dayton. Perfect for Weddings, Corporate Events, Meetings, Parties and More.
Arcanum Preservation Society
Arcanum, OH - The Arcanum Preservation Society is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Area Agency on Aging
Dayton, OH - Get you the answers you need for seniors and senior care in Dayton and SouthWest Ohio.
Area Progress Council of Warren County
Lebanon, OH - Advocates for Business, Education & Community service through study and education of current issues and projects.
Artemis Center
Dayton, OH - Artemis Center serves Domestic Violence survivors and their children, throughout the Greater Dayton area. Services are offered in an effort to educate, support and empower survivors.
Arthritis Foundation, Great Lakes Region, Ohio River Valley
Cincinnati, OH - The Arthritis Foundation ( is committed to raising awareness and reducing the unacceptable impact of arthritis.
Asian American Council
Dayton, OH - The AAC celebrates the unique cultural legacies of its member organizations, promotes the civic engagement, health and well-being of its members, and cultivates leadership skills among its youth.
Asian Arts Center
Kettering, OH - We change lives by teaching martial arts with a professional and well trained staff in a clean and modern facility.
Barrier Breakers Inc.
Dayton, OH - Awake. Commit to a cause. Prepare for battle. Exhaust yourself. Repeat.
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Community Support Center
Bellbrook, OH - The Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Community Support Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides case management, food, household necessities, and emergency clothing.
Berry Family Foundation
Dayton, OH - We support entrepreneurial spirit and building a strong Dayton community.
Berry Hearing Ctr
Huber Heights, OH - Serving Dayton's hearing needs for 80 years. As the only non-profit organization providing hearing loss services in the Miami Valley, the BHC will help you obtain the hearing device that's right for you and at the right price!
Bicycles For All
Dayton, OH - Bicycles For All is a nonprofit volunteer organization whose mission is to provide resources to the community that promote bicycling for transportation, recreation and sport.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley
Dayton, OH - To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County
Sidney, OH - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County is a volunteer non-profit, social service program that has been serving Shelby County since 1977 and Darke County since 1993.
Bike Miami Valley
Dayton, OH - Our mission is to advocate, promote, and create opportunities for all forms of bicycling in the Miami Valley.
Book Fair Foundation
Dayton, OH - The Book Fair Foundation, Inc. collects donated books to resell through our annual book fair (the biggest in Ohio!) to raise money for a variety of Dayton area non-profit groups.
Breast Cancer Foundation
Dayton, OH - non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, established in 1990 to help further the fight against breast cancer by offering affordable mammography services, education and prevention to the community
Brothers Helping Brothers
Dayton, OH - Brothers Helping Brothers is a non-profit that provides equipment grants to small and/or rural fire departments.
Brukner Nature Center
Troy, OH - Non-profit privately-funded organization promoting the appreciation & understanding of wildlife conservation through preservation, education, & rehab...
Brunner Literacy Center
Dayton, OH - The Center offers free, one-on-one tutoring to adults who desire to get a GED, improve basic reading/math, ESOL or preparation for the citizenship test
Building Bridges, Inc.
Dayton, OH - Our vision is to redirect the lives of kids who need a second chance to make better choices, turn their lives around and find lasting success.
Buildit Challenge
Dayton, OH - Buildit Challenge is a 501c-3 charitable organization. Our mission is to build communities of hands-on learners who are discovering ways to apply STEAM to fix, make, build, and change the world.
Cancer Companions
Tipp City, OH - Cancer Companions is a nonprofit organization which provides emotional support for people coping with cancer through Christian cancer Support groups or one-to-one meetings. They reach people in treatment, past treatment or their loved ones.
Cancer Support Community Western Ohio
Kettering, OH - The Cancer Support Community of Western Ohio provides free life skills support for people with cancer and their loved ones.
Cancer's Kryptonite
Englewood, OH - We love like LJ & provide warriors who are battling DIPG with resources to ease the financial burden & create moments that can be cherished forever.
CARE House
Dayton, OH - The mission of CARE House is to provide a team response to child abuse through prevention, intervention and advocacy.
Carter Family Housing and Development
Dayton, OH - Our mission is to rehabilitate the abandoned homes in Dayton Ohio and create homeowners with alternative homeownership options such as rent to own.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Dayton, OH - CSSMV's programs include guardianship, mobility management, poverty alleviation services, pregnancy & parenting support, counseling, refugee resettlement, senior services, & supervised visitation.
Catholic Worker Movement
Dayton, OH - CITVN COOP, INC. is managed voluntarily by a Catholic Worker Movement community of formerly homeless people in long term recovery from addictions
Center for Judaic-Christian Studies
Dayton, OH - Through educational events, leading scholars share their expertise in the language, culture and traditions of the Bible providing fresh insights into Scripture.
Chamber Music in Yellow Springs
YellowSpring, OH - Chamber Music in Yellow Springs is a non-profit established in 1983 to present professional chamber music concerts for the enjoyment of the community.
Chamber Music in Yellow Springs
Yellow Springs, OH - CMYS presents outstanding performances by professional chamber music ensembles.
Champaign County Preservation Alliance
Urbana, OH - Organization promotes the renovation and restoration of historic structures throughout Champaign County
Charles D. Berry Foundation
Dayton, OH - We support nonprofit organizations whose missions are focused on performing and visual arts, community enrichment, providing access to education, and serving the needs of underserved populations.
Child Care Choices
Tipp City, OH - Child Care Choices is a non-profit resource and referral agency. We link families needing child care with providers giving care in Miami and surrounding counties. We provide child care information, training and support for families and child care providers.
Children's Performing Arts of Miamisburg
Miamisburg, OH - Children's Performing Arts of Miamisburg (CPAM) is a non-profit children's theater dedicated to promote, to all area youth, the appreciation of the performing arts through education, practice and performance.
Dayton, OH - CHOICES, Inc. fosters a meaningful quality of life for youth and families.
Springfield, OH - CitiLookout partners with individuals and families, counseling them toward emotional, relational and spiritual healing and networking them with effective community resources.
Class Act Drama
Kettering, OH - Welcome to Class Act Drama! We are a Christian, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, theatrical organization. We meet weekly in the greater Dayton, Ohio area. Our goal is to provide live theater experience to those
Clifton Opera House
Clifton, OH - Official Historic Village of Clifton Website - Located in Greene and Clark County, Ohio
Clothes That Work
Dayton, OH - Clothes That Work empowers clients to secure and maintain employment by providing interview and workplace appropriate clothing, confidence building education, and coaching services.
White, OH - Cocoa is a non-profit organization which gives composers of all ages the opportunity to create music and have pieces performed and recorded by professional musicians.
Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area
Dayton, OH - Our mission is to work in partnership with local communities to eliminate the causes and conditions of poverty and to promote individual independence and self-sufficiency.
Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton
Dayton, OH - Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton (CHCGD) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2007 through a collaboration between local hospital systems and Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County.
Cookies 4 A Cause
Vandalia, OH - Cookies 4 a Cause hosts Vandalia's Largest Community Bake Sale to raise funds for students in the Vandalia area.
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America
Cincinnati, OH - The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to finding the cures for Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis.
Crossroads Hospice
Dayton, OH - Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care Ohio comes to you. Whether you're at home in Columbus, in a hospital in Cleveland, or a retirement community in Dayton, we bring our hospice services to you.
Culture Works
Dayton, OH - Culture Works is the funding, advocacy, and service organization that passionately inspires, supports, and sustains arts and culture in the Dayton Region.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Cincinnati, OH - Greater Cincinnati / Dayton Chapter. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a terminal disease that affects thousands of our children and young adults.
Dakota Center, Inc.
Dayton, OH - To provide a safe, positive atmosphere engaging Dayton West Side neighborhoods in programs to educate the whole person by developing character and connecting community.
Dayton, OH - DATV gives Dayton the Freedom to Communicate by providing the training and equipment for citizens to produce their own local media.
Daybreak Dayton
Dayton, OH - We help homeless, at-risk and troubled youth ages 10-24. FOR HELP CALL 877-833-3199, our 24/7 hotline.
Dayton Autism Society
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Autism Society (DAS) is a non-profit organization which is made up of a board of volunteers who are family members and professionals in the field.
Dayton Ballet
Dayton, OH - Founded in 1937, Dayton Ballet, the second-oldest ballet company in the United States is known for its innovative and collaborative endeavors.
Dayton Ballet Barre
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Ballet Barre is a passionate group of supporters of the Dayton Ballet Association. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Dayton Boat Club
Dayton, OH - Dayton Boat Club offers novice and competitive rowing programs for youth and adults.
Dayton Carvers Guild
Huber Heights, OH - Dayton Carvers Guild, Dayton Ohio, was founded by a small group of men and women who share a love of carving and sculpting wood. We are one of the premier carving clubs in the nation.
Dayton Community Action Network
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Community Action Network connects with other local progressive organizations & individuals to act. We act to push Initiatives forward in tangible concrete ways. Tagline: Actions Not Words.
Dayton Community Cat Project
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Community Cat Project (DCCP) is a nonprofit that provides cat food and support to caregivers who care for homeless and community cats.
Dayton Development Coalition
Dayton, OH - The regional economic development organization whose mission is to support job creation and prosperity for the Dayton region.
Dayton Elks Lodge 58
Dayton, OH - BPOE Dayton Lodge #58 fraternal organization serving the youth, veterans and members of the lodge and community.
Dayton Foundation
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Foundation is a community foundation that has been helping people help others in the Greater Dayton Region since 1921.
Dayton Holocaust Resource Center
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Holocaust Resource Center is responsible for storing, maintaining, purchasing, and disseminating Holocaust educational materials for teachers and researchers in the greater Dayton area.
Dayton Literary Peace Prize Foundation
Dayton, OH - Advancing Peace through Literature - The Dayton Literary Peace Prize, inaugurated in 2006, is the first and only annual U.S. literary award recognizing the power of the written word to promote peace.
Dayton Live
Dayton, OH - Presenting touring Broadway, concerts, comedy, family shows & more at the Victoria Theatre, Schuster Center & PNC Arts Annex in Dayton, Ohio.
Dayton Mediation Center
Dayton, OH - A supportive place where people that are having problems, conflicts, or disagreements can come to talk. A mediator will help people talk and listen to one another, even though it may be hard to talk with someone you are upset with.
Dayton Metro Barbershop Chorus
Dayton, OH - Dayton's premier barbershop chorus. We sing modern tunes and barbershop classics in 4 part A Cappella harmony.
Dayton Mothers of Twins Club
Centerville, OH - The Dayton Mothers of Twins Club is a non-profit organization founded in 1943 by Ann Franklin. It is designed to meet the needs of area mothers of multiples both socially and emotionally.
Dayton Opera
Dayton, OH - Dayton Opera performs in the accoustically-perfect Mead Theatre located in the Benjamin and Marian Schuster Center.
Dayton Performing Arts Alliance
Dayton, OH - The Philharmonic, Ballet, and Opera create art that celebrates life in the Dayton community.
Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Philharmonic is our regional orchestra under Music Director and Principal Conductor Neal Gittleman.
Dayton Philharmonic Volunteer Association
Dayton, OH - The DPVA was founded in 1952 and supports the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra in the areas of education, promotion, fundraising and membership development.
Dayton Right to Life
Dayton, OH - Dayton Right to Life is the home of programs to promote the sanctity of life and healthy, responsible living.
Dayton Society of Painters & Sculptors
Dayton, OH - DSPS is an active arts organization geared to support local artists by offering annual exhibits, events and workshops.
Dayton Warriors Softball Fund
Dayton, OH - Community Fund Raising effort for the new Fisher House at Dayton VA Center.
Dayton Woman's Club
Dayton, OH - The Dayton Woman's Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization devoted to empowering women and strengthening the community through programs that honor the past and embrace the future.
Dayton, OH Alumnae Chapter, Kappa Delta Sorority
Dayton, OH - We are dedicated to connecting and supporting the Kappa Delta women in the greater Dayton area.
Dayton-Wright Chapter of AFCEA
Fairborn, OH - Welcome to the Dayton-Wright Chapter of AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association).. The AFCEA Dayton-Wright Chapter is the Miami Valley is leading professional communications, electronics, intelligence, and information systems organization.
Dayton-Wright Chapter of AFCEA
Fairborn, OH - Welcome to the Dayton-Wright Chapter of AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association).. The AFCEA Dayton-Wright Chapter is the Miami Valley is leading professional communications, electronics, intelligence, and information systems organization.
Deweese Ridgecrest Civic Association
Dayton, OH - DeWeese-Ridgecrest is a nature preserve located along the banks of the Stillwater River. The only neighborhood in Dayton almost completely surrounded by parks and 5 minutes from downtown Dayton.
Deweese Ridgecrest Youth Ambassadors
Dayton, OH - The DeWeese-Ridgecrest Youth Ambassadors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity embedded in the DeWeese-Ridgecrest neighborhood in Dayton, Ohio.
Diabetes Dayton
Dayton, OH - We are a local, independent agency dedicated to the assistance and support of those affected by diabetes in the Dayton area. We are not supported by or related to national agencies.
Downtown Dayton Partnership
Dayton, OH - A nonprofit organization that includes information about working, living and having fun in downtown Dayton.
Downtown Middletown, Inc.
Middletown, OH - Organization committed to the revitalization and preservation of Downtown Middletown Ohio.
Downtown Tipp City Partnership
Dayton, OH - The Downtown Tipp City Partnership strives to enhance, preserve, and promote the downtown Tipp City area.
Downtown Xenia Now
Xenia, OH - XDRC's mission is to revitalize downtown Xenia through vibrant retail activity, fun events, strong retail, attractive buildings with both commercial and housing opportunities, biking activities, and ever-strengthening market values.
Dreams of Millions, Inc
Beavercreek, OH - Serving people who face low or decreased income levels, inadequate skills, irregular employment, or require unique opportunities for training, development, community influence, and healthier lives.
Eagle Youth Football
DAYTON, OH - Eagle Youth Football, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) is a non-profit org. Dedicated to the development of Student-Athletes through their participation in sports, namely youth football and cheerleading.
East End Community Services
Dayton, OH - East End Community Services was created in 1998 to respond to the needs of persons living in Twin Towers and surrounding neighborhoods in Dayton Ohio.
Dayton, OH - Eastco provides quality assembly, packaging, and production services to manufacturing companies in the greater Dayton, Ohio area. Eastco is a component of Eastway Behavioral Healthcare.
Echoing Hills Southwest Ohio
Dayton, OH - For over 50 years, Echoing Hills has supported thousands of families, friends, and neighbors through our outreach to people with disabilities.
EDS Awareness
Beavercreek, OH - EDS Awareness is a 501c3 non-profit organization with a global impact. Andrea Julian is Board Sec. Andrea is also Director of the local chapter, Dayton Zebras.
Eintracht German Club of Dayton Ohio
Dayton, OH - Promoting German culture and traditions! Rent our ballroom - perfect for wedding receptions, family reunions, and private parties.
Elizabeth's New Life Center
Dayton, OH - Elizabeth's New Life Center, a faith-based non-profit pregnancy resource center, specializes in solutions for unexpected pregnancies. We operate six women's centers across Southwestern Ohio, including Dayton, East Dayton, and Kettering.
Embroiderers' Guild of America
Dayton, OH - The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Dayton Ohio Chapter is dedicated to the study, preservation and promotion of needle arts.
Emerge Recovery and Trade Initiative Center
Xenia, OH - Non-profit organization dedicated to providing young people and men and women in recovery the life and work skills necessary to establish new career paths and thrive in today's job market.
EnCorps Friends of DPAA
Dayton, OH - New, volunteer association supporting the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance and each of the arts organizations-the Dayton Opera, Dayton Ballet, and Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra
Enon Community Historical Society
Enon, OH - The Enon Community Historical Society serves Enon and Mad River Township by preserving the history and heritage of the community. Our center of activity and home base is called the Mike Barry Research Center.
Epilepsy Foundation Ohio
Dayton, OH - The Epilepsy Foundation Ohio serves those in Ohio affected by epilepsy.
Exchange Club of Dayton
Dayton, OH - The Exchange Club of Dayton is the local club of an all-volunteer, national service organization of men & women who are working together to make our communities better places to live through program.
Expressions of Life
Dayton, OH - Expressions of Life is a non profit organization. Our Mission is feeding people healthy food for their bodies and healthy information for their minds. We have been a charitable organization since 2011
Extract Effect
Dayton, OH - Extract Effect is a rescue organization committed to protecting, preventing and prevailing against child trafficking and all forms of modern–day oppression.
Fairborn Art Association
Fairborn, OH - A nonprofit organization designed to promote and encourage the appreciation and development of art in various forms, sponsor art classes, workshops and programs, and provide community service.
Fairborn Military Veterans Memorial
Fairborn, OH - The volunteers on the Fairborn Military Veterans Memorial Project are working to design and build a memorial honoring the veterans who lived, or live in, Fairborn, Ohio
Fatherhood Is Power, Inc
Trotwood, OH - As a non profit group, our current focus is to host a selection of events and activities that will encourage fathers to be present in their children's lives.
Film Dayton
Dayton, OH - FilmDayton is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to building the Dayton region's film community.
First Tee Greater Miami Valley
Maineville, OH - To impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf.
FLOC - For Love Of Children
Dayton, OH - The mission of For Love of Children, Inc. (FLOC) is to provide financial, educational, and advocacy support to youth throughout the Greater Dayton Area.
FOA Families of Addicts
Dayton, OH - Non-profit organization providing support, friendship and education for families and individuals whose life has been affected by addiction.
Franklin Area Historical Society
Franklin, OH - Franklin Area Historical Society was founded in 1965 and is dedicated to exploring and preserving local history.
Friends of the Beavercreek Library - FoBL
Beavercreek, OH - FoBL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Volunteer board and members work with the Beavercreek librarians to support additional Beavercreek Library programs and purchases.
Friends of the Cardinal Center
Gettysburg, OH - Non profit organization dedicated to preserving the heritage of the old Gettysburg, Ohio school while using the building as a base for programs to serve the surrounding communities
Fudge Foundation
Dayton, OH - The FUDGE foundation seeks to support individuals on their journey of grief and healing from traumatic events through the delivery of support service and advocacy at both a local and national level.
Funk Music Hall of Fame and Exhibition Center
Dayton, OH - The home of Funk music, and the artists who brought this art form to life while showcasing the Funk experience. The museum is currently closed and actively looking for a new home.
Generation Dayton
Dayton, OH - Generation Dayton is the place where talented young professionals who live and work in the Dayton region can meet, network, learn, grow and establish themselves as integral components in the future success of the Dayton region.
Girl Scouts Western Ohio
Dayton, OH - We're the preeminent leadership development organization for girls in Western Ohio! Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place!
Girls on the Run of Dayton
Dayton, OH - We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
Glen Helen Nature Preserve
Yellow Springs, OH - Glen Helen is a 1,000-acre nature preserve of woods, waterways, prairies, and fields, laced with 25 miles of trails.
Glen Helen Raptor Center
Yellow Springs, OH - The Glen Helen Raptor Center is part of the Glen Helen Ecology Institute, a non-profit organization.
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation
Dayton, OH - We support the patients, staff and employees of Good Samaritan Hospital and its affiliates by fostering charitable gifts from those sharing our commitment to health care with excellence and compassion.
Good Shepherd Ministries
Dayton, OH - Good Shepherd Ministries restores the lives of people with histories of incarceration, drug and alcohol abuse.
Good Works Farm
Waynesville, OH - Our mission is to enthusiastically empower differently-abled individuals to reach their fullest potential in supportive and meaningful environments.
Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley
Dayton, OH - At Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley our mission is to empower people with disabilities and other disadvantages to achieve independence and improve their quality of life.
Grafton Hill Association
Dayton, OH - The Grafton Hill Association is the neighborhood association for the Grafton Hill Historic District. This Dayton neighborhood houses some of the most beautiful homes in the city.
Grant Professionals Association
Dayton, OH - Grant Professionals Association (GPA) is a nonprofit membership association that supports an international community of grant professionals.
Grass Roots Enrichment and Wellness Center
Dayton, OH - We offer: Enrichment and Wellness Classes & Workshops for all ages, Pre- School Enrichment Programs, Saturday Workshops, After School Programs, Birthday Parties
Greater Dayton LGBT Center
Dayton, OH - The Greater Dayton LGBT Center creates programs and events that enhance the lives of sexual minorities in Dayton and the Miami Valley area.
Greater Dayton Real Estate Investors Association
Dayton, OH - GDREIA is not-for profit educational organization serving around 400 members in the seven County area including Montgomery, Green, Warren, Clark, Miami, Darke and Preble. Our goal is provide education, resources and networking opportunities.
Green County Antique Car Club
Xenia, OH - We believe that antique and classic automobiles are an important part of the American way of life. We believe that Americans may better understand and appreciate the present, as well as the future, if they are cognizant of the past.
Greene Giving
Xenia, OH - Greene Giving's purpose is to promote philanthropy and provide stewardship and leadership to enhance the use of regional resources to meet charitable needs.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton
Dayton, OH - Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton works in partnership with God and people from all walks of life to develop communities with people in need by building and renovating houses.
Hannah's Treasure Chest
Centerville, OH - Hannah's Treasure Chest's mission is to enrich the lives of children in need. With the help of our partners, we send out care packages of essential items to families.
Have a Gay Day
Moraine, OH - Our Mission is to create a safe environment for the purpose of Equality, Education, and Support of the LGBT community and their Allies.
Health Partners Free Clinic
Troy, OH - The mission of Health Partners Free Clinic is to provide access to free quality health care for uninsured and underserved residents of Miami County, Ohio.
Heart of Centerville Washington Twp.
Centerville, OH - We serve as the Centerville area business association.
Heart Of GOAL Foundation
Beavercreek , OH - The Heart of G.O.A.L. Foundation is a veteran owned non-profit organization created to improve the lives of youth and adults by installing a passion for sports, fitness and recreational activities.
Helping Hands of Dayton
Centerville, OH - Helping Hands of Dayton provides travel-sized necessities for families of children in intensive care units in Miami Valley hospitals in order to help them through the first 12 hours of an overnight stay.
Historic Huffman
Dayton, OH - victorian | eclectic | diverse | progressive - Huffman is a historic district located about a mile east of Downtown Dayton, Ohio.
Historic South Park
Dayton, OH - Historic South Park Inc neighborhood association promotes an active, social, healthy urban lifestyle in Dayton, Ohio.
Historical Society of Vandalia-Butler
Vandalia, OH - Making every effort to reach out and make our local history available to everyone.
Dayton, OH - Our mission: to work to end homelessness by providing housing, services, advocacy and education.
HomeOwnership Center of Greater Dayton
Dayton, OH - The HomeOwnership Center empowers local residents to achieve and sustain homeownership and financial success. We've helped thousands of individuals and families meet their homeownership goals through a variety of services at low- or no-cost.
Hope Hub Xenia
Xenia, OH - We are a women's long-term transformational living facility. Our mission is to empower women to become emotionally, spiritually, and financially healthy individuals while finding freedom in recovery.
Hope Rising Pregnancy Center
Kettering, OH - Pregnancy and ultrasound testing, peer counsel and education, abortion Information, individual and group support.
House of Bread
Dayton, OH - House of Bread is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Community Kitchen - a serving hot, nutritious, and lunchtime meals to anyone in need 7 days a week.
House of Hope Dayton Inc
Arcanum, OH - We are a non-profit residential teen home with outpatient counseling.
Huber Heights Athletic Foundation
Huber Heights, OH - The Huber Heights Athletic Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the improvement of athletics and other activities in the Huber Heights City Scho
Huber Heights Rotary Club
Huber Heights, OH - The Huber Heights Rotary is dedicated to service projects in our local community here in Huber Heights.
Humane Society of Greater Dayton
Dayton, OH - We work with all types of animals and work to ensure all animals are valued and loved within our community.
Ignatian Spirituality Project - Dayton
Dayton, OH - Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) provides overnight and day retreats for women and men with three months of addiction recovery and experience with housing insecurity. ISP is open to all faiths.
IHN of Greene County, Schneider House of Hope
Xenia, OH - The IHN of Greene County, Schneider House of Hope is a nonprofit origination committed to provide shelter, meals and assistance to homeless families.
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Warren County
Lebanon, OH - We are a community response to homelessness in Warren County.
Jeremiah's Letter Inc.
Dayton, OH - In 1978, Jeremiah's Letter, Inc. (JLI) was created by a handful of inner city churches to address the injustices of poverty and hunger in the greater Dayton area, later becoming a formal non-profit.
Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton
Dayton, OH - The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton cares for those in need, strengthens Jewish life, and creates connections among Jews locally, in Israel, and around the world.
Jobseekers Network
New Carlisle, OH - The purpose of JobSeekers Network shall be to educate unemployed, underemployed, disabled individuals, and veterans with soft skills or degrees on the entire process of a career search.
Junior League of Dayton
Dayton, OH - JLD. Women promoting volunteerism. Developing potential. Improving community. Exclusively educational and charitable.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Beavercreek, OH - JDRF Dayton - Funding research to find a cure for juvenile diabetes, which strikes children and young adults suddenly, makes them insulin dependent for life and carries constant threat of devastating complications.
K12 Gallery & TEJAS
Dayton, OH - Inspiring people of all ages to imagine, learn, and create art in a unique and encouraging environment.
KAP for the Heart
Englewood , OH - KAP for the Heart was founded in memory of Kieran Popp, who passed away from Sudden Cardiac Arrest at the age of 23. KAP For the Heart is dedicated to awareness about Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Kettering Adventure Guides
Dayton, OH - Father son program sponsored by the YMCA for kids in grades K-5.
Kettering Fairmont High School Music Department
Kettering, OH - Four Concert Orchestras, several String Ensembles, two Jazz Bands, Pep Band, Percussion Ensemble, Winter Guard, and Marching Band. Three curricular choirs, and 2 extra-curricular a cappella ensembles.
Kettering Fraternal Order of Police Associates
Dayton, OH - The FOPA is an organization formed for the purpose of increasing our understanding of the rights, duties and problems of law enforcement officers; of fostering respect for them; and of bettering conditions under which they serve society.
Kettering Masonic Center
Kettering, OH - Alpha Lodge 729 - A fraternal organization committed to hosting charitable events and community fundraisers.
Kettering Noon Optimists
Ketting, OH - Kettering Noon Optimists a non-profit service club composed of business and professional women from the greater Dayton area.
Kingdom Community Foundation
Franklin, OH - Kingdom Community Foundation gives us the chance to be an outreach to serve the youth of families.
Kiwanis Club of West Alexandria
West Alexandria, OH - Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child, and one community at a time.
Learning Tree Farm
Dayton, OH - Learning Tree Farm is a working farm that is committed to providing hands-on learning experiences for children and families in a traditional farm setting.
Lemon Society of Dayton
Kettering , OH - Young professionals supporting Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, one cup at a time.
Life Essentials
Dayton, OH - Life Essentials provides professionally delivered services which promote and enhance the quality of life for vulnerable adults through intensive advocacy and recovery oriented programming.
Linda A. Ferguson Memorial Foundation
Fairborn, OH - We are a non profit run/walk, raising funds for students studying to be oncology nurses. We offer shirts to every participant and medals as well!
Linda Vista Project
Dayton, OH - Providing housing to women and children who are homeless, along with the time needed to regain a sense of stability and economic security.
Springboro, OH - We are commited to bringing about the abolition of domestic sex trafficking and exploitation through raising awareness, cultivating relationships, and inspiring activism.
Dayton, OH - Non-profit rescue based in Dayton. Our goal is to find 'forever families' for our very deserving dogs. All of our dogs are cared for in foster homes.
Main Street Greenville
Greenville, OH - Main Street Greenville promotes historic preservation and economic development, resulting in a cultural downtown district that attracts and retains businesses and entrepreneurs, making downtown a desirable destination.
Columbus, OH - Make-A-Wish® Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions.
March of Dimes Foundation
Dayton, OH - The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
Marriage Resource Center of Miami Valley
Springfield, OH - The Marriage Resource Center of Miami Valley equips marriage champions to inspire marriage success and relationship health, leaving a legacy of strong families and strong futures.
Marriage Works! Ohio
Dayton, OH - Collaborative effort of diverse organizations united to help build healthy families and healthy communities throughout the Miami Valley.
Miami County YMCA
Troy, OH - The Miami County YMCA serves families and individuals in Miami County, Ohio through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
Miami Valley Acoustic Series
Beavercreek, OH - The Miami Valley Acoustic Series is a new non-profit, all volunteer organization dedicated to bringing emerging national singer/songwriters to the Dayton area for intimate concerts.
Miami Valley Adapted Sports
Centerville, OH - MVAS - 501(c)3 Paralympic Sports Club that works through cooperative partnerships to provide recreational and competitive sporting opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities.
Miami Valley Alzeimer's Association Junior Committee
Dayton, OH - A diverse group of civic-minded young professionals dedicated to joining the fight to end Alzheimer's!
Miami Valley Astronomical Society
Dayton, OH - We promote education by bringing astronomy to the public through regular star-gazes at John Bryan State Park, special star¬gazes at the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, and by opening the Apollo Observatory every Friday night.
Miami Valley Bridge Association
Kettering, OH - We are a member of the American Contract Bridge League,and conduct daily bridge games. We teach bridge and promote the game to the public at large.
Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association (MVDSA)
Dayton, OH - The Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association strives to provide information, support and resources to individuals with down syndrome, their families and their communities.
Miami Valley Immigration Coalition
Dayton, OH - A coalition of faith communities and other organizations and individuals committed to immigrant justice.
Miami Valley Meals
Dayton, OH - A chef-led effort to #RecoverAndTransform food into free meals for distribution in Dayton.
Miami Valley Music Festival Association
Bradford, OH - The Miami Valley Music Festival Association is a 501(c)(3) public charity organized in Miami County, OH with the purpose of hosting music events to raise funds and awareness for local charities.
Miami Valley Nonprofit Collaborative
Dayton, OH - We provide trainings, networking events, and consulting services that build the capacity of nonprofits in the areas of operational excellence, leadership excellence and nonprofit trending issues.
Miami Valley NORML
Dayton, OH - Miami Valley NORML is a chapter of Ohio NORML and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. We have been gathering in the Dayton & Cincinnati area for over a decade. Join Us!
Miami Valley Pit Crew
Dayton, OH - Dayton's leading dog rescue organization specializing in the rescue and rehabilitation of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
Miami Valley Restaurant Association
Dayton, OH - The MVRA is a non-profit trade organization serving the Greater Dayton, Ohio foodservice industry.
Miami Valley Rose Society
Dayton, OH - We are dedicated rose lovers and growers that want to help you grow beautiful roses. Our members participate in the MVRS for their own enjoyment, for learning how to show roses competitively.
Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra
Dayton, OH - The MVSO is an all volunteer community orchestra in Southwest Ohio
Miami Valley Youth Career Services
Dayton, OH - Utilizing high quality staff to provide the highest quality of service which enhance the potential of young people to be successful in school, at home, in the workplace and in the community.
Miamisburg Band Boosters
Miamisburg, OH - We are a non-profit booster club supporting Miamisburg Band students in Grades 6-12.
Miamisburg Color Guard
Miamisburg, OH - The Miamisburg Colorguard is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with one of the most recognized performance and competition color guards in the country.
Miamisburg Historical Society
Miamisburg, OH - A vibrant group of volunteers working hard to preserve the history of Miamisburg, Ohio.
Michael's House
Fairborn, OH - Michael's House, centrally located in Fairborn, Ohio, provides a warm and welcoming environment for children who are suffering from all forms of abuse.
Middletown Historical Society
Middletown, OH - The Middletown Historical Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1966.
MLK Dayton
Huber Heights, OH - Our vision is to inspire citizens and act on the vision of social justice influnced by the legacy of Dr. Matin Luther King, Jr. Our mission is to continueto advance and promote the dream, life and legacy of Dr. King.
Montgomery County ESC
Dayton, OH - Strengthening outcomes for students, schools, educators, parents and communities.
Montgomery SWCD
Brookville, OH - Promoting wise stewardship of our natural heritage through education, best management practices, and technical leadership.
Mother Children Assistance International (MoCA International)
Dayton, OH - To empower African women, and children by strengthening families and providing resources that create sustainability of quality of life.
Mothers and Daughters United, Inc.
Huber Heights, OH - Mothers and Daughters United Inc is a non-profit 501 (c) (3)organization created to bolster healthy communication & intimacy between mothers and daughters.
Mud Run Conservancy
Enon, OH - Our mission is to preserve and protect the Mud Run waterway in Mad River Townhip, Clark County, OH. Non profit 501(c)(3)
Muddy Buddys Jeep Wrangler Club
Dayton, OH - The MBJWC are based out of Dayton, Ohio. Most of our off road events are held in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Michigan and Tennessee.
Muse Machine
Dayton, OH - Muse Machine provides creative experiences and programs for young people of the Miami Valley.
MVP Dynasty
Dayton, OH - The MVP DYNASTY program mission is to instill confidence into each of our students. the same confidence they will need to walk in this world with their head held high
NAMI Montgomery County
Dayton, OH - NAMI Montgomery County Ohio is dedicated to improving the lives of family members, friends and persons with mental illness through education, outreach, referral, support and advocacy.
National Model Railroad Association
Beavercreek, OH - The Miami Valley Division of the National Model Railroad Association is a non-profit dedicated to educating the public about trains through modeling.
Dayton, OH - NCCJ of Greater Dayton builds a community dedicated to eliminating bias, bigotry and all forms of discrimination.
NECCO of Dayton
Dayton, OH - Our Mission is simple: We Build Families through foster care, adoption, family counseling and a variety of other social services. Our values help us build families faster, stronger, and smarter.
Northmont Band Boosters
Clayton, OH - Northmont Band Boosters is a non-profit organization that supports Northmont High School's Marching Band and Color Guard.
Oakwood Historical Society
Oakwood, OH - The Oakwood Historical Society was established in 1974 to serve those who have an interest in the study and sharing of Oakwood's heritage.
Oasis House
Dayton, OH - We exist to offer hope to women in the sex industry by promoting healing, restoration, and empowerment through Christ's unconditional love.
Ohio River Road Runners Club
Dayton, OH - Dedicated to promoting running and supporting the local running community in and around Dayton, Ohio and the Miami Valley.
Ohio Robotics Inc./Xtreme STEM
Dayton, OH - This non-profit promotes workforce development by showcasing programs that apply classroom lessons learned in science, tech, math and engineering.
Ohio's Hospice Of Dayton
Dayton, OH - Ohio's Hospice of Dayton has served patients and families in the Miami Valley for over 35 years in their homes, extended care and assisted living facilities and the Hospice House located in Dayton.
Omega Community Development Corporation
Dayton, OH - The Omega CDC is a community-based, 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization that focuses on three aspects of community development: youth development, family development, and economic development.
Opera Guild of Dayton
Dayton, OH - Our mission is to encourage and promote opera in the Greater Dayton area and to support Dayton Opera through fundraising, marketing and education activities.
Operation 1000 Cherry Trees
Dayton, OH - Alex Hara is a Japanese-born businessman living in Dayton, Ohio. When a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami shook his homeland in 2011, he watched the devastation on television helplessly from thousands of miles away. Though saddened by the events, he was inspired by the rapid response of the American military and the willingness of the American people to donate their money, products, and time to people half a world away. This was the birth of Operation 1000 Cherry Trees.
Oregon District Business Association
Dayton, OH - The Oregon District is home to the best entertainment, dining, and eclectic retail stores in Dayton.
Our Home Family Resource Center
Celina, OH - Our Home Family Resource Center serves the residents of Mercer County with an organizational vision of “Empowering people to grow from crisis to hope”.
Outreach for Animals
Huber Heights, OH - Our goal is to be the #1 advocate for proper behavior around wildlife. We are committed to be the goodwill ambassador between humans and animals.
PACO - The Puerto Rican, American and Caribbean Organization
Dayton, OH - PACO is dedicated to the success of the Hispanic Community. We are a non-profit organization established in January 1991.
Parents Empowering All Children of Color (PEACOC)
Springboro, OH - Fellowship organization, in Springboro, OH, dedicated to creating a safe community of empowered and unafraid BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) children and adults.
Parkinson's Foundation Ohio
Columbus, OH - The Parkinson's Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson's disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure.
Partners For Community Living
Dayton, OH - Partners For Community Living provides community arts/ entertainment events to raise awareness and funding in support of individuals with autism, Down Syndrome and other developmental disabilities.
Patriot Pin Up, Inc. Dayton Chapter
Dayton, OH - Certified 501(c)3 Charity Patriot Pin Up is a group of gals who volunteer their efforts to the true heroes of our country, our veterans!
PFLAG Dayton
Dayton, OH - PFLAG Dayton is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization that hosts its monthly meetings at Harmony Creek Church.
Phenomenal Women's Network
Dayton, OH - We are a women's empowerment community service driven organization.
Philippine-American Society of Greater Dayton
Dayton, OH - The Philippine-American Society of Greater Dayton, Inc., a non-profit organization, exists exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes.
Pink Ribbon Good
Tipp City, OH - Pink Ribbon Good mission is to help ease the minds of individuals and families affected by breast cancer with direct services and support.
Pirate Packs
W.Carrollton, OH - Our mission is to provide weekend food assistance to students in the West Carrollton School District.
Plane Crazy Chapter of the Disneyana Fan Club
Dayton, OH - Local chapter of the Disneyana Fan Club - A non-profit and International organization dedicated to perserving the rich legacy and creativity of Walt Disney, through local chapters newsletters, national convention and special events.
Dayton, OH - We create and execute high profile special events that will raise awareness and funds for local non-profit organizations at little or no cost to nonprofits
PMI Dayton-Miami Valley Chapter
Kettering, OH - Hello - The Dayton Miami Valley Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI) is a non-profit organization for Project Management Professionals, whether certified through PMI or not.
Polished Girlz
Dayton, OH - The Polished Girlz bring sparkle to the lives of girls with special needs or frequent hospitalizations by bringing the trendiest nail art parties to them.
Preble County Historical Society
Eaton, OH - Non-profit corporation organized in 1971 with the mission to promote knowledge of Preble County and Ohio history and to collect, preserve, display, and maintain materials and objects of all types which have historical interest and significance to Preble County and Ohio.
Preble County Pride
West Alexandria, OH - The mission of Preble Co. Pride is to bring LGBTQ+ visibility, awareness, and acceptance to rural Preble County, Ohio and surrounding areas.
Preservation Dayton
Dayton, OH - Grassroots alliance of neighborhoods and individuals who actively promote the work of historic preservation and revitalization the city.
Prevent Blindness Ohio
Dayton, OH - Ohio's leading volunteer nonprofit public health organization dedicated to preventing blindness and preserving sight.
Project Congo
Dayton, OH - Project Congo is a US based charity, working to send food, medical equipment, supplies and medications to eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Project READ
Dayton, OH - Project READ is a coalition of public and private organizations working together to build skilled workers, strong families, and healthy communities.
Providing for Women
Xenia, OH - We are a 501(c)(3) located in Xenia Ohio. Our mission is to provide feminine hygiene products to women / teens in need in Greene County and surrounding communities.
Racial Justice Now!
Dayton, OH - Racial Justice Now (RJN) is a community activist organization dedicated to fighting institutional and systemic racism.
Ratio Christi Wright State
Dayton, OH - Ratio Christi is organized to encourage and strengthen the faith of Christian students at public and private universities around the world.
Reconstructing Dayton
Dayton, OH - Reconstructing Dayton is creating open, fact based discussion of the cost of local government in Montgomery County to build support for simplifying it.
Resident Home Association
Dayton, OH - RHA is a private, non-profit agency providing lifelong person-centered, community-based residential services and other supports to people in Dayton, Ohio with developmental disabilities.
Riverside Historical Society
Riverside, OH - Formed for the purpose of collecting and preserving data and artifacts concerning the City of Riverside, formerly known as Mad River Township and the Village of Riverside, Ohio for the benefit and education of present and future generations.
Robyn's Nest Rescue
Miamisburg, OH - Non-profit animal rescue and adoption organization located in Miamisburg.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton
Dayton, OH - RMHC Dayton is a recognized 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that serves families of children with complex and life-changing medical diagnoses and injuries. We are committed to keeping families close to the medic
Rooted: A Gathering Place
Beavercreek, OH - Rooted is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that exists to facilitate opportunities for people from all walks of life to authentically connect to God's Word, God's people, and God's Son.
Rotary Club of New Lebanon
New Lebanon, OH - We are a non-profit association affiliated with Rotary and Rotary International.
Safe Harbor House
Springfield, OH - Safe Harbor House is a year long faith-based treatment center for women who are suffering from trauma and addiction. Safe Harbor House is located in Springfield Ohio.
Dayton, OH - SAFY is a national non-profit organization. Since 1984, we have been a leader in the provision of programs and services that improve the safety and well-being of families, children and communities.
Salem Avenue Peace Corridor
Dayton, OH - A vitalization initiative to establish Salem Avenue and adjacent neighborhoods as communities of peace by intentionally cultivating safety, prosperity, and quality of life.
Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center
Dayton, OH - Residential alcohol and drug addiction program for men and women.
Shoes 4 The Shoeless
Dayton, OH - We locate children in need of clean and dependable shoes that fit through networking with agencies and individuals. We then get them a pair that fits perfectly!
SICSA Pet Adoption Center
Washington Township, OH - Promoting the welfare and adoption of companion animals, and nurturing loving, lifelong relationships between animals and people.
Sightless Children Club
Vandalia, OH - Sightless Children Club (SCC) is a non- profit organization for parents of visually impaired youth and citizens who are interested in the education and social needs of visually disabled children and young adults. SCC also provides parents with the benefits of shared experience in a supportive social setting.
Simman Wound Care & Fellowships
Dayton, OH - SWCF supports research and provides wound treatment, patient education, and support. We're dedicated to improving quality of life issues for patients suffering from chronic wounds.
Dayton, OH - Providing donors the opportunity to save and enhance lives through trusted community-based resources for blood transfusion and transplantation. Formerly Community Blood Center.
SOS Ministries
Xenia, OH - We work the streets to help victims of sex trafficking and drug addiction escape their dangerous situation with transportation, safehouses and admission into recovery programs.
South Dayton Dance Theatre
Centerville, OH - SDDT is a non-profit organization that gives their members (11 to 18) a glimpse of life as a professional dancer.
South Main Historic Neighborhood Association
Middletown, OH - The South Main Historic Neighborhood Association is dedicated the preservation of the South Main National Register Historic District in Middletown, OH
Southdale Strong
Kettering, OH - The Southdale Strong Fund was created to raise awareness of and support those in our Southdale community facing serious health issues.
Southwestern Ohio Hemophilia Foundation
Dayton, OH - Improving quality of life for those living with bleeding disorders.
St. Anne's Hill Historic District
Dayton, OH - St. Anne's Hill is a walkable, sustainable community of friendly neighborswith many Victorian-era homes, where classic style meets modern charm!
St. Vincent de Paul
Dayton, OH - We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides assistance, shelter, and hope to those struggling with homelessness and poverty.
Suicide Prevention Center
Dayton, OH - We know that 80 percent of all people who commit suicide exhibit definite warning signs. For youth, 82-85 percent actually told someone, most often a friend, that they were thinking of suicide. Therefore, knowing the warning signs of suicide, knowing what to do to help a suicidal individual and knowing where to go for additional help could stop the majority of suicides from actually happening.
Summit Academy School
Dayton, OH - A free non-profit public school for children with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Disorders.
TCN Behavioral Health
Fairborn, OH - TCN Behavioral Health is a non-profit organization that offers a wide variety of behavioral health and prevention services to youth and adults.
Dayton, OH - TEDxDayton is organized by local volunteers who gather talented storytellers to inspire attendees of these events and others around the world.
Terrific Women In Giving/TWIGs
Dayton, OH - TWIGS, an Auxiliary of Dayton Children's Hospital, are groups of diverse women committed to providing support for a wide range of services at Dayton Children's through various fundraisers.
Thank You America Foundation, Inc
Beavercreek, OH - Help legal immigrants to adjust in American Society and guide them to become patriotic citizens.
The Abilities Connection (TAC Industries)
Springfield, OH - The Abilities Connection (TAC) is a nonprofit organization that serves people with disabilities and other barriers and offers safe, inclusive workplaces to thrive.
The Affiliate Societies Council of Dayton
Dayton, OH - ASC - Affiliate Societies Council, Inc. is an Ohio Corporation; a non-profit.
The ALS Association Central & Southern Ohio Chapter
Columbus, OH - The Central & Southern Ohio Chapter was founded in 1984 to serve the needs of those living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and their caregivers.
The Backyard Dog Project
Springfield, OH - All-volunteer group that helps owners improve the quality of life for their outdoor dogs in Ohio's Clark, Champaign and Union Counties.
The Family Network
Dayton, OH - The Family Network is a non-profit organization that consists of mainly stay-at-home moms from all over the Dayton Ohio area. We help parents make connections with other parents while creating lasting memories with our children.
The Foodbank, Inc.
Dayton, OH - The Foodbank is committed to relieving hunger through the acquisition and distribution of food to hungry people in the Miami Valley.
The Good Deeds Project
Dayton, OH - We're a community movement to promote random acts of kindness and positivity.
The Hall Hunger Initiative
Dayton, OH - HHI works with our community partners to create a sustainable and just food system.
The Kettering Backpack Program
Dayton, OH - Every week we provide the children with individual servings of fruit cups, prepared pudding, vegetables, cereal, applesauce, microwavable ravioli, mac & cheese and 100% fruit juice.
The Levin Family Foundation
Dayton, OH - Levin Family Foundation is a private philanthropic organization in Dayton Ohio that uses grant money to help the underserved in Montgomery County.
The Life Enrichment Center
Dayton, OH - Faith-based nonprofit organization, provides everyday essentials, educational opportunities and encouragement in East Dayton.
The Lincoln Society of Dayton
Dayton, OH - Founded to Commemorate Lincoln's visit to Dayton, educate our community, inspire all ages to follow his example and build upon the recent restoration of the Old Court House and downtown renewal efforts.
The Lions Club of West Milton
West Milton, OH - Since 1917 Lions Clubs have offered people the opportunity to give something back to their communities.
The Little Exchange Fine Gifts
Oakwood, OH - Fine gift shop located in Oakwood. A charitable organization for over sixty years, our shop features perfect bridal gifts, infant and toddler clothing and gifts, unique decor for the home, and men's and women's gifts for all occasions.
The Mosaic Institute of Greater Dayton
Dayton, OH - MI is committed to offer free mosaic instruction to all who wish to join in the creation of murals that will reside in neighborhoods, organizations and businesses.
The Mustard Seed Foundation
Trotwood, OH - Our main goal of is to provide disadvantaged teen mothers ages 13-21 with transitional housing and supportive services. Teen mothers are able to set and achieve personal, educational and life goals.
the needy basket
Tipp City, OH - Staffed entirely by volunteers & funded by donations, offers three different programs, an Emergency Food Program, a Christmas Basket Program, and a Migrant Workers Program.
The Nerve Theatre
Dayton, OH - We are The Nerve–Dayton's risk-taking theatre company, telling unfiltered stories in immersive spaces.
The New Path Inc.
Tipp City, OH - The New Path Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Tipp City, Ohio, serves the greater Miami Valley area in Ohio by assisting with the basic needs of families to build community, support stability and foster transformation.
The Noble Circle Project
Dayton, OH - We are a community of women age 18 and over who have been given a diagnosis of cancer sometime during our lives. After diagnosis, programs of The Noble Circle Project provide a helping hand in regaining our sense of empowerment.
The Oak Tree Corner
Dayton, OH - The Oak Tree Corner provides a safe and caring community where children and teens from the greater Dayton area can learn to deal with the grief from the death of someone important.
The Richardson Foundation
Beavercreek, OH - The Richardson Foundation is a nonprofit charitable 501(c)3 organization which was founded by long time residents of Beavercreek purely out of the want to give back to the local communities that have
The Tandana Foundation
Spring Valley, OH - Supporting achievement of community goals and addressing global inequalities through caring intercultural relationships in Ecuador's Otavalo Canton and Mali's Bandiagara District.
Dayton, OH - We are a local initiative working to end poverty in Dayton by building intentional relationships that go across class, race, and cultural lines.
Therapeutic Riding Institute
Spring Valley, OH - The Therapeutic Riding Institute (TRI) creates learning opportunities with horses for people with special needs. We are a PATH International Premier Accredited Center.
Threads of Miami Valley
Miamisburg, OH - Our hope is to help people by providing clothing, coats and shoes to those in need. This process begins with generous donations of clothes and small household goods from our community.
Toys for Tots Dayton
Dayton, OH - The local Toys For Tots program is as dedicated as ever to helping disadvantaged children in the Dayton area.
Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Community
Dayton, OH - At the Tree of Life Community (TLCUU) questions are welcomed, diversity is valued, creativity is nurtured, peace is cultivated and life is renewed!
Tripple Croxx Entertainment
Dayton, OH - We are a 501(C3) urban entertainment company specializing in authentic, live productions, as well as publicity management, event planning, artist management services.
Troy Main Street
Troy, OH - The mission of Troy Main Street is to coordinate the efforts of all those dedicated to making downtown Troy a better place to live, work, shop, celebrate, and invest.
Turkish American Society
Dayton, OH - Introducing Turkish culture and establishing bridges between different cultures in Dayton, Ohio.
UD Women's Center
Dayton, OH - The UD Women's Center fosters a diverse and equitable UD community by advocating for social and gender justice and assessing and addressing campus climate.
Dayton, OH - Our job is to connect high school volunteers to service opportunities around the Miami Valley. We have over 1500 students and 50 nonprofits serving the Greater Dayton area. We are hosted by the Mentoring Collaborative of Montgomery County, and we are located in the Montgomery County Regional Educational Center, in Riverside near the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
United Irish of Dayton
Beavercreek, OH - Uniting Irish groups in the greater Dayton area to promote the rich but often invisible historical, religious, and cultural heritage of the Irish people through education, service, charity, and community events.
United Rehabilitation Services of Greater Dayton
Huber Heights, OH - URS Early Childhood Education Programs are currently enrolling for infants and children with and without developmental delays or disabilities.
United Senior Services
Springfield, OH - We provide a wide range of programs and services for adults 55-plus who desire to remain active, be involved and stay independent.
United Way of the Greater Dayton Area
Dayton, OH - United Way of the Greater Dayton Area is a non-profit organization working to make lasting changes in the lives of those in Montgomery, Greene & Preble Counties.
Dayton, OH - Our members are of all ages, but are focused on attracting and keeping those under 40 in the region. We are passionate about building a better Dayton.
Vet Town
Dayton, OH - VOBOhio is an Ohio-based Non-Profit Company. Our focus is putting more United States Veterans to work.
Volunteers of America
Dayton, OH - Our residential reentry programs provide programming and treatment to help male and female felony offenders become contributing members of the community. We serve formerly incarcerated individuals.
WACO Air Museum
Troy, OH - Preservation of history of the WACO Aircraft Company and the Golden Age of Flight.
Centerville, OH - Wagtown is a Dayton-born nonprofit organization (501(c)3) dedicated to the development of authentic and responsible dog-friendly communities.
Warren County Community Services
Lebanon, OH - Helping Children and Families Succeed, Helping Older Adults Remain Active and Independent, Helping Reduce Energy Costs, and Providing Affordable Housing for Seniors and Families.
Warren County Historical Society
Lebanon, OH - Whether you are 10 years old or 50 or 75, you will find something entertaining and educational here!
Wayne Township Huber Heights Historical Society
Huber Heights, OH - The Mission of this Society is to collect, preserve, research and interpret the heritage of the City of Huber Heights, Wayne Township, Montgomery County, Ohio and surrounding counties.
Waynesville Merchants Association
Waynesville, OH - Waynesville Merchants Association is a 501(c)6 business organization representing Waynesville's merchant community The organization hosts community events.
We Care Arts
Dayton, OH - We Care Arts is a place where people with disabilities learn independence and build self esteem. Those with emotional, mental and/or physical disabilities can come to our facility and create artwork which fosters confidence and empowerment.
Wegerzyn Gardens Foundation
dayton, OH - Conduit of community support enabling Wegerzyn Gardens MetroPark to be a preeminent regional public garden that fosters personal connections to nature through horticulture.
Wesley Community Center
Dayton, OH - Since 1966, The Wesley Community Center, a nonprofit faith based organization located in West Dayton working, has worked to meet the immediate needs of youth, adults and seniors.
West Carrollton Historical Society
West Carrollton, OH - Dedicated to the architectural and historic preservation of the heritage of the Miami Township, Moraine and West Carrollton area.
West Carrollton Merchants Association
West Carrollton, OH - To work as a collective group to promote West Carrollton area commerce.
Widows Home Of Dayton
Dayton, OH - Started in 1872 as an organization to care for the widows of Civil War soldiers, the Widows Home of Dayton is now a full-service short-stay rehab and long-term skilled nursing center that helps men and women from all over the Miami Valley.
Wild Again rescue
Spring Valley, OH - A non profit organization specializing in the rescue, rehab & release of wildlife as well as the adoption & long term care of companion animals of all sorts.
Women of Wisdom Special Events
Dayton, OH - W.O.W is a membership based organization uniting women of all backgrounds together to effectively serve the needs of our community.
Women's Health Initiatives Foundation
Kettering, OH - We are a local non-profit which is on a mission to educate women on optimal health and disease prevention through natural hormone balance.
Wright Dunbar
Dayton, OH - Wright Dunbar, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the revitalization of the historically-significant commercial corridor west of downtown Dayton, Ohio, known as the Wright-Dunbar Business District.
Xenia Rotary Club
Xenia, OH - Xenia Rotary Club has been helping our local and international communities for almost 100 years.
Yellow Springs Arts Council
Yellow Springs, OH - Supporting a creative quality of life for everyone who lives in and visits the village of Yellow Springs through monthly gallery shows, art classes and performances as well as the yearly Art House Hop
Zonta Club of Dayton
Dayton, OH - We are a new and exciting club, ready and happy to join the Dayton Community ! Zontians, tend to be a special type of women with endless energy and a sense of purpose. We do several Service Projects and Mentorship Activities for Young Professionals!